
Saturday Mar 13, 2021
Ep41: In-grouping/Out-grouping and the Strange Case of Rattlesnake
Saturday Mar 13, 2021
Saturday Mar 13, 2021
The show starts with a brief discussion of the “bob emergency.” As they have been doing recently, the brothers make no-very-outdated Golden Globe picks. They do end it with a good Levy-Levy-Levy connection. On a dime, they shift to discussing Dave getting vaccinated, and whether society has learned anything from the pandemic.
The topic of the show is in-grouping/out-grouping, and this dynamic leading to types of avoidance. This is a framework very grounded in social psychology, so Bob lays out the ways this process can work even very subtle and even with the best of intentions. The Crew draws on the creation and existence of Rattlesnake. Using ideas from social and community psychology, they discuss the strengths of Rattlesnake, the shortcoming, and how to think about community-builidng going forward.
Dystopian Rainbow
Lord of the Flies! Pertains to in-group/out-groupping. We are intrigued by Piggy.
Contact info
Email - davepeachtree@gmail.com
Twitter - @BMaze19
IG - Thriving_In_Dystopia
Website - https://thrivingindystopia.com/
TikTok - @davepeachtree
Deep appreciation to In Heaven by Drake Stafford for our intro song, Bashful by Ketza is the new outro, the prolific and enigmatic Joe Shine for the thumbnail art. Big thank you to Nadir Čajić for editing this week’s show. Finally, we are indebted to the wonderful Chris Sawyer for funding and creating our new website. Thank you, Mix.

Friday Mar 05, 2021
Ep40: There’s No Thriving Without Music, Part 2
Friday Mar 05, 2021
Friday Mar 05, 2021
The Crew shifts it up this week and starts out with some content off the bat. They take on the issue of procrastination (a type of avoidance). Procrastination has a heavy negative connotation, but they brother discuss whether that’s always warranted. They agree at least that the high-level of anxiety can be dissipated when understanding one’s own work process.
The main portion of the show is a change of pace. The brothers wanted to share some music with each other for the week.
Shouldn’t Have to Be Like That - Fra Lippo Lippi
The Mother We Share - Chvches
Level It Up - The Coup
The First Breath After Coma - Explosions in the Sky
Jesusland - Ben Folds
Dystopian Rainbow
Sorry to Bother You that Bob mentioned in the music portion of the show directed and written by the Coup frontman Boots Riley.
Contact info
Email - davepeachtree@gmail.com
Twitter - @BMaze19
IG - Thriving_In_Dystopia
Website - https://thrivingindystopia.com/
TikTok - @davepeachtree
Deep appreciation to In Heaven by Drake Stafford for our intro song, Bashful by Ketza is the new outro, the prolific and enigmatic Joe Shine for the thumbnail art. Big thank you to Nadir Čajić for editing this week’s show. Finally, we are indebted to the wonderful Chris Sawyer for funding and creating our new website. Thank you, Mix.

Friday Feb 26, 2021
Ep39: Confronting Disgust and Leading to Poop Positivism and System Change
Friday Feb 26, 2021
Friday Feb 26, 2021
After a few renditions of video game songs from 30 years ago, the Crew talks tending for chickens in the winter. Dave’s birds along with other Coloradoans had to make it through -10 degree weather recently. It’s a good one for our herpetologist fans out there!
The topic of the week is avoiding the disgusting. Bob starts with discussing his journey to becoming “poop positive.” Dave builds on this idea and questions the idea of “away,” as in “just throw it away” or “take it away.” The conversation takes them to discussing prisons, slaughterhouses, and even Lake Champlain.
Confronting the things we consider disgusting can allow for us to open our eyes to the systems that deal with “the disgusting,” and see how brutal and awful they are.
Humanure Handbook free online: https://humanurehandbook.com/contents.html
Baseball Bits on fixing MLB: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uh_F8WtrDCo&ab_channel=FoolishBaseball
Dystopian Rainbow
N.K. Jemison’s The Fifth Season for a great dystopia on catastrophic climate change.
Contact info
Email - davepeachtree@gmail.com
Twitter - @BMaze19
IG - Thriving_In_Dystopia
Website - https://thrivingindystopia.com/
TikTok - @davepeachtree
Deep appreciation to In Heaven by Drake Stafford for our intro song, Bashful by Ketza is the new outro, the prolific and enigmatic Joe Shine for the thumbnail art. Big thank you to Nadir Čajić for editing this week’s show. Finally, we are indebted to the wonderful Chris Sawyer for funding and creating our new website. Thank you, Mix.

Friday Feb 19, 2021
Ep38: Avoidance as a Tool of White Supremacy
Friday Feb 19, 2021
Friday Feb 19, 2021
The brothers reminisce about working at a movie theater 20 years ago - “Colorado Cinnamon, Basemar Twix.” They make some not great, but not terrible Super Bowl predictions before heading into the topic of the week.
This week the Crew discuss avoidance and whiteness. They explore some of the ways that a system of white supremacy depends on white people and white culture avoiding discussions of racism. This has a lot to do with colorblind (or better said, color-evasive) ideology and practices, which themselves are creations of the ideology and history of whiteness in the U.S. and beyond.
The Crew ends on discussing the differences between equality from equity from liberation. This ties in with their point that anti-racism workshops are good, yet white people could take more from John Brown, who never avoided confronting white supremacy.
2017 Jacksonville Jaguars’ collapse: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H-SM13PqKbE&ab_channel=SecretBase
Good Lord Bird:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H-Tm63y-S4s&ab_channel=SHOWTIME
Equality? No. Equity? No. Liberation!: https://citizen.education/2018/12/03/liberation-in-education-why-dont-we-just-tear-the-whole-fence-down/
Dystopian Rainbow
Dystopian show from the brothers’ youth with Jerry O’Connell? It’s Sliders! Lost in another universe and the desire to just come home.
Contact info
Email - davepeachtree@gmail.com
Twitter - @BMaze19
IG - Thriving_In_Dystopia
Website - https://thrivingindystopia.com/
TikTok - @davepeachtree
Deep appreciation to In Heaven by Drake Stafford for our intro song, Bashful by Ketza is the new outro, the prolific and enigmatic Joe Shine for the thumbnail art. Big thank you to Nadir Čajić for editing this week’s show. Finally, we are indebted to the wonderful Chris Sawyer for funding and creating our new website. Thank you, Mix.

Friday Feb 12, 2021
Ep37: Healthy Avoidance? Does It Exist?
Friday Feb 12, 2021
Friday Feb 12, 2021
Dave tells the story of Peachtree to open the show, where the name came from, what it means to Dave and Julie, and how hard it was to get.
Last week, the Crew looked at the problematic aspects of avoidance. Flipping things around this week, they explore the experience of avoidance and whether there is “healthy avoidance.” They discuss the positive effects of taking a step back or taking some space, but question whether that’s avoidance. When does avoidance start?
They then turn to times of protective avoidance. Can avoidance be protective when the stimulus is just too painful to deal with?
Dystopian Rainbow
An absolute classic: Ray Bradbury’s Fahrenheit 451.
Contact info
Email - davepeachtree@gmail.com
Twitter - @BMaze19
IG - Thriving_In_Dystopia
Website - https://thrivingindystopia.com/
TikTok - @davepeachtree
Deep appreciation to In Heaven by Drake Stafford for our intro song, Bashful by Ketza is the new outro, the prolific and enigmatic Joe Shine for the thumbnail art. Big thank you to Nadir Čajić for editing this week’s show. Finally, we are indebted to the wonderful Chris Sawyer for funding and creating our new website. Thank you, Mix.

Thursday Feb 04, 2021
Ep36: Finding the Courage to Confront
Thursday Feb 04, 2021
Thursday Feb 04, 2021
Some Thriving chatter turned up to 11 to start the show. The Crew plots out a new NBA team for Dave to follow this year: some interesting social justice questions arise and the conversation eventually connects to Randall Cunningham of all places! The brothers then honor their mom on Helen Majzler Day! And discuss the meaning of that day, Jan. 23.
The topic of the show is confrontation of avoidance. Particularly, they discuss the specifics and logistics of making such confrontations. Dave tells a powerful story about finding collective courage in his 4th grade classroom: “I’ve never been as proud of a student as in that moment.” So good, that Dave broke his dairy-free diet at the end of the story.
The story reminds Bob of a story in his own classroom last fall. And after the story telling, some take-homes are harvested
Dystopian Rainbow
Watchmen (2019) - Politically strong and prescient education of Tulsa 1921, the show also outshine the very amazing graphic novel upon which it is based.
Contact info
Email - davepeachtree@gmail.com
Twitter - @BMaze19
IG - Thriving_In_Dystopia
Website - https://thrivingindystopia.com/
TikTok - @davepeachtree
Deep appreciation to In Heaven by Drake Stafford for our intro song, Bashful by Ketza is the new outro, the prolific and enigmatic Joe Shine for the thumbnail art. Big thank you to Nadir Čajić for editing this week’s show. Finally, we are indebted to the wonderful Chris Sawyer for funding and creating our new website. Thank you, Mix.

Saturday Jan 23, 2021
Season 5 (Ep. 35): Confronting Avoidance (i.e. Avoid the Noid!)
Saturday Jan 23, 2021
Saturday Jan 23, 2021
New year; new season. Bob joined the International Worker of the World (I.W.W.) and talks about what being a Wobbly means to him. They go on to discuss the implications of the recent white vigilante attack on the U.S. Capitol.
The brothers “set the table” for the new season, Season 5. The big theme is “avoidance” as the Thriving Crew feels like this theme does not get talked about that often. They play with confrontation as the opposite of avoidance. They wonder when does a healthy avoidance, say of avoiding traffic, turn into an unhealthy avoidance, like putting it off and then never dealing with it? They see some value in avoidance, but they do see some of their own bad habits around avoidance in their lives.
They hope to talk about how to know when avoidance is happening, procrastination, the disgusting, in-group/out-group and social power, how to come back to the avoided, and avoid the Noid.
Tuned-in: Recent episodes of Revisionist History on second waves of vaccines
Dystopian Rainbow
The Giver by Lois Lowry. Does it still hold up 30 years after it was written? Is the ending too happy?
Contact info
Email - davepeachtree@gmail.com
Twitter - @BMaze19
IG - Thriving_In_Dystopia
Website - https://thrivingindystopia.com/
TikTok - @davepeachtree
Deep appreciation to In Heaven by Drake Stafford for our intro song, Bashful by Ketza is the new outro, the prolific and enigmatic Joe Shine for the thumbnail art. Big thank you to Nadir Čajić for editing this week’s show. Finally, we are indebted to the wonderful Chris Sawyer for funding and creating our new website. Thank you, Mix.

Friday Jan 08, 2021
Ep34: Thank you Listeners! Highs and Lows of Thriving in Dystopia in 2020
Friday Jan 08, 2021
Friday Jan 08, 2021
Bob and Dave record this episode December 31, 2020. They start the show reminiscing on the great NYE’s past. Last week the Crew did a retrospective of 2020. This week the brothers reflect on the podcast itself. They highlight the previous 33 episodes, the highs and lows, and the fun of narrowcasting. They first put a bow on the end of the celebration season with some insights on season 4.
Their goals are to do a video podcast every season. Get more feedback from listeners. Do a non-Bob episode. Do a non-Dave episode. And do a non-both episode.
Did you Know?
That the only team in NFL history to lead the league in best office and defense (in terms of yards) didn’t make the play-off. So sorry to the 2010 San Diego Chargers.
The Times’ Square NYE ball is 12 feet in diameter.
This movie ends on NYE. Made in 1960. Directed by Billy Wilder. Stars Jack Lemon. It’s the Apartment!
Contact info
Email - davepeachtree@gmail.com
Twitter - @BMaze19
IG - Thriving_In_Dystopia
Website - https://thrivingindystopia.com/
TikTok - @davepeachtree
Deep appreciation to In Heaven by Drake Stafford for our intro song, Only Fools Rush performed by the crooner Nadir Čajić is the new outro, the prolific and enigmatic Joe Shine for the thumbnail art. Big thank you to Nadir Čajić for editing this week’s show. Finally, we are indebted to the wonderful Chris Sawyer for funding and creating our new website. Thank you, Mix.

Sunday Jan 03, 2021
Ep33: Celebrating 2020!: Roses, Buds, Thorns
Sunday Jan 03, 2021
Sunday Jan 03, 2021
Fresh off the holidays, the brothers discuss their favorite Xmas movies. The Crew hosts environmental physicist and old friend Ian! They all discuss 2020 both personally and globally. They also make bold predictions for 2021.
Good article on Biden’s Climate Plan
Did you Know?
Ran out of time this time! Tune in next week for 2 great Didyaknows.
Contact info
Email - cookiemonster@yahoo.mail
Twitter - @badbanana24
Deep appreciation to In Heaven by Drake Stafford for our intro song, Only Fools Rush performed by the crooner Nadir Čajić is the new outro, the prolific and enigmatic Joe Shine for the thumbnail art. Big thank you to Nadir Čajić for editing this week’s show. Finally, we are indebted to the wonderful Chris Sawyer for funding and creating our new website. Thank you, Mix.

Monday Dec 28, 2020
Monday Dec 28, 2020
Danny takes the Crew on a ride to his favorite music -- there are some surprises and prepare for some laughter. After this, Dan discusses eco-poetics, which involves reflecting on the meaning of “eco,” which means household in Greek. Eco-poetics, then, means a way of looking at the world and then writing poetry from that vantage point. Dan dissects a Gary Snyder poem as a case study in eco-poetics. Dave reads a Wendel Berry poem, and the Crew discuss the differences. Following this discussion, they shift to reflecting on the critical analysis of Ulrike Meinhof of the Rote Armee Fraktion, a far-left militant group in the 1970s. Meinhof’s analysis of the media as performative prefigured critical analysis of the media of the next decades.
Exile - Taylor Swift with Justin Vernon and Aaron Dessner
Gary Snyder’s Thin Ice
Wendell Berry’s Manifesto: Mad Farmer Liberation Front
Did you Know?
The average cloud weighs 1.1 million pounds.
The largest manufacturer of tires in the world is Legos.
There is a chicken named Miracle Mike that lived 18 months after his head was cut off.
Contact info
Email - davepeachtree@gmail.com
Twitter - @BMaze19
IG - Thriving_In_Dystopia
Website - https://thrivingindystopia.com/
TikTok - @davepeachtree
Deep appreciation to In Heaven by Drake Stafford for our intro song, Only Fools Rush performed by the crooner Nadir Čajić is the new outro, the prolific and enigmatic Joe Shine for the thumbnail art. Big thank you to Nadir Čajić for editing this week’s show. Finally, we are indebted to the wonderful Chris Sawyer for funding and creating our new website. Thank you, Mix.