
Sunday Dec 20, 2020
Ep31: Poetic Activism, Part I: What Moves You In Poetry?
Sunday Dec 20, 2020
Sunday Dec 20, 2020
The Crew hosts old friend and poet Dan Cantrick on the show to talk about “poetic activism.” But first, Dan explains what post-holing is with a story about hiking that listeners will not soon forget. #loneeagle. In answering Dave’s question about what moves him in poetry, Dan discusses the musicality of words and refers to Claudia Rankine. The Crew digs into poetry, music, and activism in history drawing connections between the music of the I.W.W. in the early 20th Century to the poetry of the Spanish anarchists in the Spanish Civil War. They end with implications for current social movements.
Did you Know?
December 14 was Electors Day. Back in 2016 Bob and Dan demonstrated with others in Denver on Elector’s Day in an effort to encourage faithless electors and prevent the election of the Orange Menace.
Contact info
Email - davepeachtree@gmail.com
Twitter - @BMaze19
IG - Thriving_In_Dystopia
Website - https://thrivingindystopia.com/
TikTok - @davepeachtree
Deep appreciation to In Heaven by Drake Stafford for our intro song, Only Fools Rush performed by the crooner Nadir Čajić is the new outro, the prolific and enigmatic Joe Shine for the thumbnail art. Big thank you to Nadir Čajić for editing this week’s show. Finally, we are indebted to the wonderful Chris Sawyer for funding and creating our new website. Thank you, Mix.

Monday Dec 14, 2020
Bonus Episode: Cleveland Rocks
Monday Dec 14, 2020
Monday Dec 14, 2020
Big news out of Cleveland, get the brothers excited for the early Christmas present, and a reason to smile.
Contact info
Email - davepeachtree@gmail.com
Twitter - @BMaze19
IG - Thriving_In_Dystopia
Website - https://thrivingindystopia.com/
TikTok - @davepeachtree
Deep appreciation to In Heaven by Drake Stafford for our intro song, Only Fools Rush performed by the crooner Nadir Čajić is the new outro, the prolific and enigmatic Joe Shine for the thumbnail art. Big thank you to Nadir Čajić for editing this week’s show. Finally, we are indebted to the wonderful Chris Sawyer for funding and creating our new website. Thank you, Mix.

Tuesday Dec 08, 2020
Ep30: Celebrating the Other: From Darkness to Delightfulness
Tuesday Dec 08, 2020
Tuesday Dec 08, 2020
The show starts with darkness. The Crew discusses the awful surge in COVID cases, and then go darker to discuss the federal governments reinstating of the death penalty. CONTENT WARNING: discussion of the death penalty, child abuse, and sexual abuse from minutes 11 to 16. The main topic of the episode is celebrating the other. The brothers discuss gift giving, love languages, gratitude, Joanna Macy and the work that reconnects.
Helen Prejean on Democracy Now
The Book of Delights by Ross Gay
Did you Know?
The spice in peppers, capsaicin, can help ease an athsmetic attack: https://www.webmd.com/asthma/news/20040525/fiery-hot-therapy-improves-asthma
Contact info
Email - davepeachtree@gmail.com
Twitter - @BMaze19
IG - Thriving_In_Dystopia
Website - https://thrivingindystopia.com/
TikTok - @davepeachtree
Deep appreciation to In Heaven by Drake Stafford for our intro song, Only Fools Rush performed by the crooner Nadir Čajić is the new outro, the prolific and enigmatic Joe Shine for the thumbnail art. Big thank you to Nadir Čajić for editing this week’s show. Finally, we are indebted to the wonderful Chris Sawyer for funding and creating our new website. Thank you, Mix.

Monday Nov 30, 2020
Ep29: When Celebration Goes Bad, Part I: Winner Takes It All
Monday Nov 30, 2020
Monday Nov 30, 2020
Dave and Bob get together for a daytime recorded Thriving for the first time in months. After sharing gratitude, Bob goes off on corporate Democrats and their insipid actions and beliefs. The Crew dives into the topic of zero-sum celebrations, which are celebrating wins and celebrating the loses of others. They discuss how they see these ideas being socialized into children when the “win at any costs” of Michael Jordan or Tom Brady is worshiped. They tell the story of Star Fox, a moment in their video game history that proved pivotal in their lives.
Bob mentioned Cecilia Munoz, a member of Biden’s transition team, who defended Obama Era family separations: https://www.pbs.org/wgbh/frontline/article/cecilia-munoz-even-broken-laws-have-to-be-enforced/
Did you Know?
That in Congressional swing districts in 2020, 6 of the House Dems who lost ranked top 22 most conservative Dems in the House. On the other hand, 9 of the 11 progressives in these districts won. Progressives and progressive ideas can win in Centrist districts. More more see this: https://www.politico.com/f/?id=00000175-b4b4-dc7f-a3fd-bdf660490000
Contact info
Email - davepeachtree@gmail.com
Twitter - @BMaze19
IG - Thriving_In_Dystopia
Website - https://thrivingindystopia.com/
TikTok - @davepeachtree
Deep appreciation to In Heaven by Drake Stafford for our intro song, Only Fools Rush performed by the crooner Nadir Čajić is the new outro, the prolific and enigmatic Joe Shine for the thumbnail art. Big thank you to Nadir Čajić for editing this week’s show. Finally, we are indebted to the wonderful Chris Sawyer for funding and creating our new website. Thank you, Mix.

Wednesday Nov 25, 2020
Ep28: Celebrating in Dystopia, Sharing thanks on Thanksgiving
Wednesday Nov 25, 2020
Wednesday Nov 25, 2020
The Crew discusses Covid caution 8 months into the pandemic. Dave shares some lessons on being in a hybrid classroom for the last 3 months. Bob finds a new sand dune in Sand City. The main dish for this episode is thinking about Thanksgiving in the pandemic. The Crew starts with thoughts on this year, but think more deeply about what this holiday represents and what they want to hold onto in terms of celebration. Leftovers, stopping consumerism, decolonization, deconstructing violent myths, land acknowledgements, Thanksgiving as opportunity, creative ways to connect, and the Third Annual Dave Majzler Classic softball game are some of the ideas that they discuss.
Memes! Zoom Thanksgiving better than ICU for Xmas
Nick’s Long Island Cheese squash: https://specialtyproduce.com/produce/Long_Island_Cheese_Squash_8230.php
Mafia game call! Let us know, if you want to play on Thanksgiving Eve. See contact info below.
Did you Know?
The word Pez, from Pez dispenser, comes from a German word. It’s from the word Pfefferminz, meaning peppermint.
There are 2 countries in the world that Coca-cola is not currently served. They are North Korea and Cuba. (But what about the Cuba Libre...?)
Contact info
Email - davepeachtree@gmail.com
Twitter - @BMaze19
IG - Thriving_In_Dystopia
Website - https://thrivingindystopia.com/
TikTok - @davepeachtree
Deep appreciation to In Heaven by Drake Stafford for our intro song, Only Fools Rush performed by the crooner Nadir Čajić is the new outro, the prolific and enigmatic Joe Shine for the thumbnail art. Big thank you to Nadir Čajić for editing this week’s show. Finally, we are indebted to the wonderful Chris Sawyer for funding and creating our new website. Thank you, Mix.

Tuesday Nov 17, 2020
Ep27: New Season! A Time to Celebrate
Tuesday Nov 17, 2020
Tuesday Nov 17, 2020
Dave and Bob chat about Dave’s wild day which started with a flat tire and ended with podcasting while standing up! They delve into election analysis (this was recorded on Nov. 5). The Thriving Crew embarks on a new season, a season of celebration! Well, we will be discussing the concept of “celebration.” What is the place of celebration in a dystopia? How should we celebrate, if at all? Bob discusses the feelings behind postponing his wedding a year. Dave discusses how it’s been having a successful year professionally but not knowing how to celebrate it. They end the episode discussing some of their favorite celebrations in their life.
Did you Know?
Colorado had 78% voter turnout. Second highest in the Union. (Actually, when more voting has been counted, it’s 76% and 4th in the Union: https://www.statista.com/statistics/1184621/presidential-election-voter-turnout-rate-state/).
Contact info
Email - davepeachtree@gmail.com
Twitter - @BMaze19
IG - Thriving_In_Dystopia
Website - https://thrivingindystopia.com/
Deep appreciation to In Heaven by Drake Stafford for our intro song, Today’s Special: Tomorrow’s Jam by Doctor Turtle is the new outro, the prolific and enigmatic Joe Shine for the thumbnail art. Big thank you to Nadir Čajić for editing this week’s show. Finally, we are indebted to the wonderful Chris Sawyer for funding and creating our new website. Thank you, Mix.

Tuesday Nov 10, 2020
BONUS EPISODE! Interview with Mike Bishop and Pre-election Predictions
Tuesday Nov 10, 2020
Tuesday Nov 10, 2020
The Crew welcomes Mr. Michael Bishop back to the studio on the eve of the election (show recorded on November 2). All three discuss how they are feeling and what they predict from the election (mostly pretty spot on; sadly with 45’s behavior as well). Mike called in from D.C., and he shares stories from his trip there inspired by Ruth Ginsberg’s passing. They end with some questions about capitalism, the election, and how to make deeper changes going forward.
Monitor the danger of a Trump coup here: https://choosedemocracy.us/
Contact info
Email - davepeachtree@gmail.com
Twitter - @BMaze19
IG - Thriving_In_Dystopia
Website - https://thrivingindystopia.com/
Deep appreciation to In Heaven by Drake Stafford for our intro song, Today’s Special: Tomorrow’s Jam by Doctor Turtle is the new outro, the prolific and enigmatic Joe Shine for the thumbnail art. Big thank you to Nadir Čajić for editing this week’s show. Finally, we are indebted to the wonderful Chris Sawyer for funding and creating our new website. Thank you, Mix.

Wednesday Oct 28, 2020
Ep 25: In The Matrix White Room
Wednesday Oct 28, 2020
Wednesday Oct 28, 2020
Kosher pickles appetizer (:30): Bob and Dave talk shop about teaching in the pandemic and the widening divide. And how to celebrate Halloween this year? One word: chalkies.
Bread first course (14:45): The Crew discuss their favorite Thriving episodes thus far.
Tempeh meat (19:11): The big event is about the pledge of allegiance. What purpose does this serve? Brainwashing, nationalism, something else? Indeed, but what would we want to take its place?
Dessert (32:55): Tuned In: Dave - looking for young adult fiction. Help Listeners!
Bob - Unsolved Mysteries on Netflix
Contact info
Email - davepeachtree@gmail.com
Twitter - @BMaze19
IG - Thriving_In_Dystopia
Website - https://thrivingindystopia.com/
Deep appreciation to In Heaven by Drake Stafford for our intro song, Today’s Special: Tomorrow’s Jam by Doctor Turtle is the new outro, the prolific and enigmatic Joe Shine for the thumbnail art. Big thank you to Nadir Čajić for editing this week’s show. Finally, we are indebted to the wonderful Chris Sawyer for funding and creating our new website. Thank you, Mix.

Tuesday Oct 20, 2020
Ep24: We Are Afraid of Death. What If We Weren’t?
Tuesday Oct 20, 2020
Tuesday Oct 20, 2020
The show starts with a revising of Dave’s ability to write Sit-Com episodes. The Crew then discusses media and manufacturing consent in the U.S. In the last episode of season 3, Bob and Dave go big, the ultimate separation: death. They start with the premise that death and fear are strongly connected, and they wonder where this comes from. Everything that lives also dies, and what would it mean to rejoice in death as much as life? If there is a sacredness to death, then why do we avoid it, and why is it so hard to talk about? They end with some far out thoughts about the afterlife.
The slanderous New York Times article about anarchists
6 companies own 90% of the media in the U.S.
Hot Seat Question: If you could have a dream guest for episode 1 of season 4, living or dead, who would it be? (Dave in the seat)
Contact info
Email - davepeachtree@gmail.com
Twitter - @BMaze19
IG - Thriving_In_Dystopia
Website - https://thrivingindystopia.com/
Deep appreciation to In Heaven by Drake Stafford for our intro song, Today’s Special: Tomorrow’s Jam by Doctor Turtle is the new outro, the prolific and enigmatic Joe Shine for the thumbnail art. Big thank you to Nadir Čajić for editing this week’s show. Finally, we are indebted to the wonderful Chris Sawyer for funding and creating our new website. Thank you, Mix.

Thursday Oct 15, 2020
Ep23: Being Together When We Are Apart
Thursday Oct 15, 2020
Thursday Oct 15, 2020
A lot of chuckles to start the show talking basketball nicknames. They then discuss what the right response to an ailing fascist is. This is all before the topic of the day. The topic of the day is physical/geographical separation. Dave recounts a sweet story about being scared as a kid and going to Bob’s bed to sleep (and that was comforting but for reasons you might not think). They discuss the ways that the pandemic robs us of being with our loved ones. There is a poverty of experience over zoom. The brothers miss time spent together when no one has to be “on,” and people can just hang out. The brother, however, did find a way to recreate this through listening to a baseball game together recently.
Hot Seat Question: Are you going to vote? Who will you vote for? (Bob’s response)
Contact info
Email - davepeachtree@gmail.com
Twitter - @BMaze19
IG - Thriving_In_Dystopia
Website - https://thrivingindystopia.com/
Deep appreciation to In Heaven by Drake Stafford for our intro song, Today’s Special: Tomorrow’s Jam by Doctor Turtle is the new outro, the prolific and enigmatic Joe Shine for the thumbnail art. Big thank you to Nadir Čajić for editing this week’s show. Finally, we are indebted to the wonderful Chris Sawyer for funding and creating our new website. Thank you, Mix.