
Tuesday Oct 06, 2020
Ep22: Alone in a Forest. Solitude or is it Loneliness?
Tuesday Oct 06, 2020
Tuesday Oct 06, 2020
Dave and Bob bring some joy and laughter into the Studio and check in on the lifting veil that is October. They also check back in on the season theme, separation, and how they’ve been able to put their ideas into praxis or not. The theme of the week is trying to understand why sometimes being alone feels like solitude (nourishing) and sometimes it feels like loneliness (filled with sadness). They give a few stories of experiences in these states of being. They close wondering about the effects of technology on our alone time and the importance of being intentional around it.
Hot Seat Question: Are you going to vote? Who will you vote for?
Tuned In
Bake Off is back! (season 11)
Contact info
Email - davepeachtree@gmail.com
Twitter - @BMaze19
IG - Thriving_In_Dystopia
Website - https://thrivingindystopia.com/
Deep appreciation to In Heaven by Drake Stafford for our intro song, Today’s Special: Tomorrow’s Jam by Doctor Turtle is the new outro, the prolific and enigmatic Joe Shine for the thumbnail art. Big thank you to Nadir Čajić for editing this week’s show. Finally, we are indebted to the wonderful Chris Sawyer for funding and creating our new website. Thank you, Mix.

Wednesday Sep 30, 2020
Ep21: The Dystopian Present of Cinema, Part 2
Wednesday Sep 30, 2020
Wednesday Sep 30, 2020
The Thriving Crew welcomes Dave Harris back to the studio to complete their discussion on cinema and dystopia. This week they discuss movies that highlight mental health, climate, and racist dystopias. They find a lot of real gems (see below)! They end the show with a look at the current state of cinema with movie theaters that haven’t been open since March.
Climate crisis picks:
DH - Mad Max Fury Road
BM - Okja
Mental health crisis picks:
DM - The Lobster
DH - Synedoche, New York
Racism picks:
BM - Get Out
DM - The Deep by clipping (song)
DH - Strange Days
Contact info
Email - davepeachtree@gmail.com
Twitter - @BMaze19
IG - Thriving_In_Dystopia
Website - https://thrivingindystopia.com/
Deep appreciation to In Heaven by Drake Stafford for our intro song, outro is clipping by The Deep , the prolific and enigmatic Joe Shine for the thumbnail art. Big thank you to Nadir Čajić for editing this week’s show. Finally, we are indebted to the wonderful Chris Sawyer for funding and creating our new website. Thank you, Mix.

Tuesday Sep 22, 2020
Ep:20 The Dystopian Present of Cinema, Part 1
Tuesday Sep 22, 2020
Tuesday Sep 22, 2020
The Thriving Crew welcomes the multi-talented and T.i.D. junkie Dave Harris to the show to discuss the state of cinema in the pandemic. They start with developing DH’s 5-colliding-crises framework (not to be mixed up with Kill Bill’s 5-finger-exploding-heart technique): public health, economic, racial justice, climate, and mental health. They then discuss great movies that fit in to each of these categories. This week delves into the public health and economic crises.
Feld’s 3 crises that inspired Dave Harris’ framework of facing 5.
Public health crisis picks:
DH & BM - Children of Men
DM - Rams
Economic crisis picks:
BM - The Florida Project
DH - Metropolis
DM - Brazil
Hot Seat Question:
Contact info
Email - davepeachtree@gmail.com
Twitter - @BMaze19
IG - Thriving_In_Dystopia
Website - https://thrivingindystopia.com/
Deep appreciation to In Heaven by Drake Stafford for our intro song, Today’s Special: Tomorrow’s Jam by Doctor Turtle is the new outro, the prolific and enigmatic Joe Shine for the thumbnail art. Big thank you to Nadir Čajić for editing this week’s show. Finally, we are indebted to the wonderful Chris Sawyer for funding and creating our new website. Thank you, Mix.

Wednesday Sep 16, 2020
Ep19: Moving On From The Unforgivable
Wednesday Sep 16, 2020
Wednesday Sep 16, 2020
This is the 3rd episode of a mini-series within a series: letting go, forgiveness, and moving on. But first, the listeners came through with a song request, and the Thriving Crew puts on a show to start the episode. The heart of the show is delving into the unforgivable and whether there are things that are simply beyond forgiveness. The answer to this seems to be contextual. Sometimes this idea of unforgivable is used to hurt people (e.g. lock a person up and throw away the key), while in other places moving on means not forgiving but keeping moving.
Beyond Survival is the great book that Bob spoke about
Some good news: Bill to give path for incarcerated folks to become firefighters upon release
Hot Seat Question:
If you could meet and have dinner with any person who ever lived, who would it be and why?
Contact info
Email - davepeachtree@gmail.com
Twitter - @BMaze19
IG - Thriving_In_Dystopia
Website - https://thrivingindystopia.com/
Deep appreciation to In Heaven by Drake Stafford for our intro song, Today’s Special: Tomorrow’s Jam by Doctor Turtle is the new outro, the prolific and enigmatic Joe Shine for the thumbnail art. Big thank you to Nadir Čajić for editing this week’s show. Finally, we are indebted to the wonderful Chris Sawyer for funding and creating our new website. Thank you, Mix.

Tuesday Sep 08, 2020
Ep18: Exploring The Social Conditions for Forgiveness
Tuesday Sep 08, 2020
Tuesday Sep 08, 2020
In the intro segment reminiscent of My Brother, My Brother, and Me, Bob and Dave issue a moratorium on singing until listeners send in song suggestions (send them in!). The Crew gets into the theme of the week: forgiveness, which is a part 2 of the theme from last week, letting go. Although forgiveness can’t be forced, U.S. culture seems to teach children and everyone else the opposite. Based on psychological research, the brothers suggest that we might work on the social conditions that lead to forgiveness rather than simply pushing people to forgive.
Bob enjoyed Bear Lake so much it made him float.
Short article on forgiveness research
Hot Seat Question:
If you could get back one thing you’ve lost in the pandemic, what would it be?
Contact info
Email - davepeachtree@gmail.com
Twitter - @BMaze19
IG - Thriving_In_Dystopia
New website! - https://thrivingindystopia.com/
Deep appreciation to In Heaven by Drake Stafford for our intro song, Today’s Special: Tomorrows Jam by Doctor Turtle is the new outro, the prolific and enigmatic Joe Shine for the thumbnail art. Big thank you to Nadir Čajić for editing this week’s show. Finally, we are indebted to the wonderful Chris Sawyer for funding and creating our new website. Thank you, Mix.

Monday Aug 31, 2020
Ep17: Letting Go and Separation for Self Care
Monday Aug 31, 2020
Monday Aug 31, 2020
New Season! This season’s theme will be separation. Separation means preparing apart, getting distance, releasing, and perhaps counter-intuitively deeper connection at times. For the next 8 episodes, let’s come together to come apart.
The show starts with a fascinating update on the classroom situation, and Dave flying the U.S.S. Enterprise with his 4th graders. The sub-theme of the week is letting go and psychological separation. Bob delves into a personal crutch that has gotten him through the pandemic and how to be able to let go of crutches when the time comes.
Did Dave read The Power of Letting Go? Only he knows.
Some solid apropos commentary on the sports walkout
Hot Seat Questions:
What is the worst purchase you ever made?
What is the best purchase you have ever made?
Contact info
Email - davepeachtree@gmail.com
Twitter - @BMaze19
IG - Thriving_In_Dystopia
New website! - https://thrivingindystopia.com/
Deep appreciation to In Heaven by Drake Stafford for our intro song, Today’s Special: Tomorrows Jam by Doctor Turtle is the new outro , the prolific and enigmatic Joe Shine for the thumbnail art. Big thank you to Nadir Čajić for editing this week’s show. Finally, we are indebted to the wonderful Chris Sawyer for funding and creating our new website. Thank you, Mix.

Monday Aug 24, 2020
Monday Aug 24, 2020
Bob starts by updating Dave on the wildfire situation in Central California. Dave holds serve and updates Bob on serious fires in Colorado. The brothers are both teachers heading back into the classroom this week (well, Dave is). In part 2 of their mini-series on education, they give an up-close look at Dave’s classroom this week. They go deeper into the reflection that this combination of crises while having the modern technologies creates a new era in education and beyond. There’s excitement in that, but this also creates an enormous burden for teachers, students, and parents.
Picture of Dave gearing up for an overhead smash during last week’s tennis match.
Tuned in
Bob’s gearing up to do lectures on anarchism and reading Anarcho-Blackness.
Dave is jazzed for the new Serial podcast, Nice White Parents.
Contact info
Email - davepeachtree@gmail.com
Twitter - @BMaze19
IG - Thriving_In_Dystopia
New website! - https://thrivingindystopia.com/
Deep appreciation to In Heaven by Drake Stafford for our intro song, A Time for Action by Kennedy for our outro, the prolific and enigmatic Joe Shine for the thumbnail art. Big thank you to Nadir Čajić for editing this week’s show.
Finally, we are indebted to the wonderful Chris Sawyer for funding and creating our new website. Thank you, Mix.

Tuesday Aug 18, 2020
Ep15: Education Has So Much To Learn, Part 1: Restorative Justice Transformed
Tuesday Aug 18, 2020
Tuesday Aug 18, 2020
Dave and Bob are both teachers heading back into the classroom this week. They start a 2-part series on education with a look at Dave’s use of restorative justice and restorative practices in his 4th grade classroom. They discuss where the ideas of restorative justice come from and why educators would want to use them. The powers-that-be have attempted to co-opt restorative justice, and so the Crew discuss transformative justice and the need to bring a power-analysis and empowerment into restorative circles.
Dave mentions the 2012 documentary The House I Live In.
Good primer on the School-to-prison pipeline
Dave’s use of restorative justice in schools is grounded in Hacking School Discipline
A great video on putting circles together
For some history of restorative justice and transformative justice, see The Revolution Starts at Home and Beyond Survival
Tuned in
Bob really enjoyed Booksmart on Hulu
Dave loved Palm Springs also on Hulu
Contact info
Email - davepeachtree@gmail.com
Twitter - @BMaze19
IG - Thriving_In_Dystopia
Huge thanks to In Heaven by Drake Stafford for our intro song, A Time for Action by Kennedy for our outro, the prolific and enigmatic Joe Shine for the thumbnail art.

Monday Aug 10, 2020
Ep14: There’s No Thriving Without Music #mindbodyspirit #thedigitalmusicclub
Monday Aug 10, 2020
Monday Aug 10, 2020
After a short check-in on the world of sports, Bob and Dave share songs they love with each other. For them, there’s no thriving without music, which enlivens our hearts, bodies, and minds. With these sentiments in mind, they each share a song that: (1) has helped them get through the pandemic, (2) given them a chance to dance, and (3) opened their mind toward revolution.
Huge thanks to In Heaven by Drake Stafford for our intro song, A Time for Action by Kennedy for our outro, the prolific and enigmatic Joe Shine for the thumbnail art.
Special thank you to Nadir Čajić for editing this week’s show.
Big shout out to the Dave Harris Music Club for its impact on our music history.
Heart songs:
“In Spite of Ourselves,” John Prine and Iris DeMent
“Hunger Strike,” The Temple of the Dog
Body-moving songs:
Songs of revolution:
“Sleep Now In The Fire,” Rage Against The Machine
American Horror Story’s 1984 is a great return to form
Mystery Science as as K-8 teaching resource, especially during distance learning
Zombies, Run! running app
Contact Us
Email - davepeachtree@gmail.com
Twitter - @BMaze19
IG - Thriving_in_Dystopia

Monday Aug 03, 2020
Ep13: If Nuns Ruled The World #socialbiography #ladyinred
Monday Aug 03, 2020
Monday Aug 03, 2020
Dave and Bob are “blessed” to have their mom Helen on the show. Refusing to take for granted the stories held by their parents, they ask their mom to tell them stories about her life. She tells them about how she decided to become a nun and her rich life as a nun working for peace and justice. She does so in the framework of a social biography, or telling her story in the context of what was happening social and politically. She ends her story with wisdom for her sons, handling the Crew’s questions about living as a former nun in times of dystopia.
Huge thanks to In Heaven by Drake Stafford for our intro song, A Time for Action by Kennedy for our outro, the prolific and enigmatic Joe Shine for the thumbnail art.
For more on the Sisters of Mercy of Detroit have a great website
The statistics on women in religious orders referred to by Helen
Learn more about the nuns fighting and speaking out for justice
The Last Dance has captured Helen’s attention.
Intersectionality and Astrology on The Astrology Podcast
Dave is loving Watchmen (so dystopian!)
Contact Us
Email - davepeachtree@gmail.com
Twitter - @BMaze19
IG - Thriving_In_Dystopia